DOER Solar Study Virtual Workshops

If any are interested DOER is holding workshops as part of the Commonwealth’s Technical Potential of Solar Study

Virtual Workshops 

There will be two virtual workshops that are open to the public. The virtual workshop will include information on the Study, solar energy, and ArcGIS mapping tools. It will also include breakout sessions so attendees can give feedback on where solar projects should be sited. 

The date, time, and registration link for each meeting is below. Please indicate in your registration if you require interpretation services. 

  1. October 5, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Register here
  2. October 11, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Register here

To request a reasonable accommodation or interpretation services for a language not listed in the meeting registration, please contact

In-Person Workshops 

DOER is in the process of planning additional in-person workshops, starting in late October. The in-person workshops will include information on the Study, solar energy, and ArcGIS mapping tools. They will also include breakout sessions so attendees can give feedback on where solar projects should be sited. Climable, Inc. will facilitate the workshops and project team members from DOER and Synapse Energy Economics will also be present. 

Meeting details will be updated on this page and distributed to the “Solar- Technical Potential Study” mailing list as they are confirmed.