Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

The Town of Carver is currently working on updating its Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Hazard Mitigation Core Team met again last Thursday to, among other things, refine a survey to be made available to Carver's residents. Residents of Carver are encouraged to take this short survey to help the town respond to natural hazards. Here is the link to the online survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CarverHMP Please complete this survey by August 23rd. Please also tell your friends and neighbors--especially if they don't have access to a computer--that copies of the survey are also will be available in paper format at the Town Hall, the Central Fire Station Dispatch, and at the clubhouses at both South Meadow Village and Cranberry Village starting Wednesday August 11, 2021. Paper copies of these surveys may be returned to the drop box at any of the four locations above, mailed to Tom Walsh, Emergency Management Director, P. O. Box 580, Carver, MA 02330, or via e-mail at Thomas.Walsh@carverma.gov