Finance Committee

Appointed By: The Town Administrator in consultation with The Moderator & The Finance Committee Chair

Membership: Minimum 4 members, maximum 11; Three – Year Term. ATM 2011, Art 38, Bylaw amended to increase maximum term to 4 (12 consecutive years)

Our Mission Statement

The Finance Committee is your town’s official fiscal watchdog. It is generally agreed that Finance Committees may consider any matter they feel will have a fiscal impact on the town, as well as any other matters the committee feels are relevant. It may reasonably be argued that little comes before town meeting that does not have a potential fiscal impact on the town.

The Carver Finance Committee’s mission is to consider and review all matters that are the subject of, or relate to, discussion and voting at Town Meeting, including the town’s budgets, and warrant articles for the purpose of providing information and making independent recommendations to Carver residents regarding these matters.  In making its recommendations, the Committee strives to assure that Town services are met in a fiscally responsible manner.

The Committee reviews and considers any matter which may have a fiscal impact on the town and communicates with other town boards, departments, employees and members of the public for the purpose of gathering relevant and accurate information, and to relay that information to the taxpayers at Town Meeting.

Board Members

Name Title
Alan Germain Vice Chairman
Elizabeth Sulger Member
Patrick Meagher Chairman
Anthony Macrina Member
Walter Cole Member
Barry Struski Member