Carver, Marion, & Wareham Regional Refuse Disposal Committee

Carver Wareham discussion on transfer station
Monday, October 5, 2020 - 10:30am

Carver, Marion, Wareham Region Refuse Disposal District (CMWRRDD)


October 5, 2020 10:30

Location: Carver Town Hall Meeting Room 1


The CMWRRDD Towns of Wareham and Carver anticipates the following discussions related to the continued operation of the Route 28 Transfer Station after January 1, 2021. It is unknown if all or some of the district representatives of the Towns will attend this meeting posting is done to notify the Residents of a possible Quorum for the District. If no quorum the meeting will go on as a general meeting (not covered under the Open Meeting Law) related to potential operation of a Transfer Station between the Towns of Wareham and Carver.  Minutes will be created and consensus of discussions will be memorialized for those Towns.

1. Discussion of route 28 Transfer Station benefits and challenges.

2. Agreement with SeMass

3. New agreement between Carver and Wareham for district

4. Employee hiring, benefits, costs

5.  Services offered at transfer station

6. Policy and Procedures

7. Sticker fees, bag fee, punch card, scale

8. Operation costs

9. Tonnage cost

10. Security cameras and gates.

11. Town of Rochester inclusion and set meeting to discuss with Selectmen.



Created by Robert Belbin, Carver District Rep